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Et Cetera…

Every branding assignment presents an utterly unique set of challenges. There are the standard questions:

  1. What problem does your product or service solve?
  2. Who could benefit from that product or service?
  3. What sets your brand apart from those trying to offer the same or similar solution to the market?

That being said, perhaps the most important question to be asked is one that informs all of the others. Why are you in business? This answer comes not from your business mentor, any marketing guru nor a renown branding genius. You must ask this essential question of yourself. Further you must have strong feelings that you actually want the imminent challenges that await you, both predictable and unexpected. Does this product or service deliver something that I want or would want for myself? Would I pay this amount for this product or service or that amount? Does the market exist for what I am offering. If the answer is yes, yes and yes, we then find ourselves at the starting line. The projects shown below represent established businesses and entrepreneurial endeavors. Both present philosophical and fiscal mountains to climb and that is what I do. I bring an outside perspective and my inner sensibilities to help shape your brand. It is a journey that can potentially change direction over the foundational process and then inevitably evolve as you grow and accommodate your market and an ever transforming world.