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The Root, Branch & Blossom Bug

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Attract Essentials

Root, Branch & Blossom – Creative Brand Development & Creative Brand Management 

“All Natural Products
 for Home & Body”
Et Cetera…

Attract Essentials created the Root, Branch & Blossom line to extend the concept of Intention-Based Aromatherapy as a method to bring creative energy to self care and home making. The icons above the RB&B represent the abstraction of  “Root, Branch and Blossom”. The 3 pointed star driving down to anchor in the earth represents groundedness (to “Root”). The six pointed star represents exploration and growth (to “Branch”). The Attract Essentials “AE bug” acts as the ampersand and represents the bringing together of commitment and adventure. Finally the “Blossom” is depicted by a twelve pointed star that represents the culmination of all potentialities in the explosion of color and life force that is a blooming flower.