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Assignment: Xenapax Archer

Original Image

Photo edited stock art 

3D “Y” Slingshot

“Y” receptor rendered as a slingshot using 3D modeling software and integrating client branded colors.

Arm Pose 1

To create the final image the archer’s arm had to be entirely reconstructed from 3 photographs.

Arm Pose 2

This photo provided alternative lighting and silhouetting  options.

Gripping Hand

This close up was shot using a transparent tube fabricated to match the 3D representation of the “Y” receptor.


    Pfizer Pharmaceuticals

    Xenapax Archer

    The Unmatched Accuracy of Xenapax
    Et Cetera…
    • Stock photography and layout supplied by AD. Archer silhoed, sky swapped out flipped and adjusted
    • Slingshot created in 3D rendering software. Color matched to Client logo. Merged with photography
    • Replacement hand and arm shot in studio, pieced together to slingshot and original images